
Russian Error-Annotated Learner English Corpus is currently maintained by HSE Learner Corpora Laboratory staff:

Olga Vinogradova

Olga Vinogradova

Olga Vinogradova is an Associate Professor at the School of Linguistics, National Research University Higher School of Economics.

Ekaterina Sannikova

Ekaterina Sannikova

Ekaterina Sannikova is a bachelor student at the School of Linguistics, National Research University Higher School of Economics.


  1. Russian Error-Annotated Learner English Corpus: a Tool for Computer-Assisted Language Learning, in Proceedings of the third workshop on NLP for computer-assisted language learning at SLTC 2014, Uppsala University, Issue 107, pages 87-97. Linköping University Electronic Press, Linköpings universitet.
  2. Semi-automated typical error annotation for learner English essays: Integrating frameworks, in Proceedings of the 4th workshop on NLP for Computer Assisted Language Learning at NODALIDA 2015, Vilnius, 11th May, 2015.
  3. Использование корпусных технологий для изучения ошибок: learner corpora на факультете филологии НИУ ВШЭ / Кутузов А. Б., Кузьменко Е. А. // НТИ. сер. 2. Информ. процессы и системы/ ВИНИТИ РАН.– 2015 № 1.– С. 21-26.